Facebook Hacking #1 : How to get someone FB password in local computer

Here is a simple and easy tutorial to get someone Facebook password in a local computer (a computer using together such as in office, home, friends home, etc).

When we use a computer together, where the browser on the computer in the setting to remember “History and Password” for all websites including Facebook website. This could be an opportunity for us to obtain the password of friend  or someone facebook account, which we wants to hacking.

A browser setting to remember history and form should be appear like this picture :


Next, tutorial ho to get password form facebook page :

  1. Go to facebook page
  2. Check for victim email and password (if lucky we will find there)
  3. Block the password field with use your mouse
  4. Right click on it and choose “inspect element” (in firefox)
  5. Find a text “password” and change into “text”
  6. To change it by double click on rext “password”
  7. And…gotcha..!!  We got the password

See video tutorial :



In next post we will learn how to get someone facebook password with using a phising page.




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